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Metairie DUI & DWI Lawyer

If you’ve been charged with or even accused of driving while drunk or operating a vehicle while intoxicated, you could be facing serious consequences.

At Crescent City Law, our Metairie DUI & DWI defense lawyers have successfully defended people across the state – and we’re here to help.

*You can read more here about what you can expect if you’re pulled over for a DUI*

Why You Need a Metairie DUI Defense Lawyer

Louisiana is known for permitting open containers in public, allowing bars to stay open 24 hours a day, and even having drive-thru daiquiri shops. Unfortunately, these may also be a cause of increased incidents of drinking and driving, which leads to huge numbers of DUI charges throughout the region.

At Crescent City Law, defense attorney John Radziewicz offers aggressive, passionate, and personalized representation for drivers charged with a DUI, DWI, and other traffic offenses in Metairie and throughout Southeastern Louisiana.

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Metairie DUI Defense You Can Rely On

In Louisiana, a driving under the influence (DUI) charge is generally referred to as a DWI.

If you are pulled over in Metairie for suspicion of a DWI and charged by law enforcement for a DWI, they will call it “operating a vehicle while intoxicated.”

  • According to Louisiana law, if you are under the age of 21, you are considered above the legal limit while driving if your BAC is .02 or higher.
  • If you are 21 or older, then you will be charged with a DWI if your BAC is .08 or higher.

Fight Your Metairie DUI Charge with Crescent City Law

There are hidden costs associated with drunk driving charge, including insurance payment increases or driving classes.

Plus, in Louisiana, three or more offense for DUI is a felony charge and carries strict penalties. The state can then seize and sell your vehicle, revoke your driving privileges, and curtail your constitutional rights with a felony conviction.

That’s why you should hire a lawyer who is experienced in defending drunk driving charges in Metairie immediately after your arrest. You only have 15 days from your arrest challenge the suspension of your driving privileges. This hearing will also help your DWI lawyer get necessary information by challenging the evidence of your arrest.

Contact a Metairie DUI Lawyer for a Free Initial Consultation

If you have recently been released from jail as a result of a drunk driving charge in Metairie, take a few minutes to call me at (504) 264-9492 to schedule your first consultation.

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